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News & Events
01 Dec 2016
MAA Launches Permaculture Project for Syrian Refugees in Zaatari Refugee Camp
MAA was the First NGO to launch a Permaculture educational project for treating Grey-Water to grow organic produce for Syrian Refugees in the Zaatari Refugee Camp. Once fully operational this project may be given the green light to be used throughout the entire camp to create a SMART Sustainable food source, inshaAllah.

Due to the severe water shortages in the camp, growing fruit and vegetables are not permitted. However by utilising Sustainable Permaculture design methods of treating grey-water and growing produce in a sustainable way, we are able to substantially reduce the amount of water intake and yield highly nutritional fruit and vegetables without the use of pesticides.

This is definitely a game-changer for not only the Zaatari Refugee Camp, but all of them, inshaAllah.

​Be part of this life-changing initiative by donating towards MAA's Permaculture projects by clicking here.

Posted by Global Administrator