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Qurban Guide Qurban Guide

Qurban Guide

A Comprehensive Guide to Qurban - Udhiyah

What is Qurban - Udhiyah?

Qurban, Qurbani, or Uḍḥiya as it is known in Arabic, is the practice of sacrificing an animal for Allah (SWT). Every year, on the days of Eid al-Adha (from 10th to 13th of Dhul Hijjah), Muslims around the world sacrifice an animal to mark the completion of Hajj. This practice commemorates the sacrifice of Ibrahim (as) thousands of years ago, who was prepared to sacrifice his beloved son for Allah’s sake.

Qurban is not merely the slaughtering of an animal and the distribution of its meat; it transcends being a mere ritual. The word ‘Qurbani’ is derived from the Arabic, ‘qurban’, rooted in the word ‘qurb’ – meaning ‘nearness’. The essence of offering Qurbani is to draw near to Allah. Through Qurbani, we reaffirm our commitment to Allah, expressing our complete submission to His will, just as Prophet Ibrahim (as) did.


Here are some helpful guides related to Qurban

The First Known Sacrifice

The Qur’an narrates the story of the sons of Prophet Adam (as), Habil and Qabil. To settle a dispute, Adam (as) asked them both to offer a sacrifice. Habil, a shepherd, offered a ram, while Qabil, a farmer, offered produce. Allah accepted Habil’s sincere offering and rejected Qabil’s. This story underscores the importance of sincerity in our sacrifices.

The Sacrifice of Ibrahim (aS)

Ibrahim’s (as) unwavering faith was tested when he dreamt of sacrificing his son, Ismail (as). Both father and son displayed immense faith, willing to obey Allah’s command. However, as Ibrahim (as) was about to sacrifice Ismail, Allah intervened, providing a ram as a substitute. This profound act of submission is commemorated every year during Qurbani. Read the Story of Ibrahim (a.s).

The Ram of Paradise

The ram sacrificed by Ibrahim (as) was special. Some narrations suggest it grazed in Paradise for forty years. Others believe it was the same ram Habil had sacrificed. Its horns were preserved and hung in the Ka’bah for generations.

The Prophetic Qurbani

Prophet Muhammad (saw) continued the tradition of Qurbani, often sacrificing white, horned rams reminiscent of the ones offered by Habil and Ibrahim (as). He also emphasized the importance of sincerity and the intention behind the sacrifice. Reviving this Sunnah by offering an extra Qurbani can bring immense blessings and benefit impoverished communities.must only be performed on the tenth, eleventh and twelfth days of Dhul-Hijjah. You can order your Qurban before this time, but the sacrifice must be carried out on the correct day. The first day is always better than the second, whilst the second is better than the last.