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Aqeeqah & General Sacrifice

Aqeeqah: Celebrating New Life

The birth of a child is a moment of joy and celebration for every family. In the midst of this happiness, Muslims are encouraged to remember those less fortunate. Following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), parents are encouraged to perform Aqeeqah for their newborn child. This involves the sacrifice of two goats or sheep for a boy, and one for a girl. Ideally, the sacrifice should take place on the seventh day after the child's birth, but it can be performed later if necessary.

General Sacrifice: Expressing Gratitude to Allah

Gratitude to Allah should be a cornerstone of a believer's life. Beyond ritual acts of worship, dhikr, and dua, one of the most meaningful ways to express gratitude is through a general sacrifice in the name of Allah SWT.

MAA: Your Trusted Partner in Aqeeqah and General Sacrifice

At MAA, we are committed to ensuring that your Aqeeqah or general sacrifice reaches those who need it most. We will conduct your sacrifice where it is most needed around the world, helping to spread joy and blessings to those less fortunate.