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News & Events
03 Sep 2015
Teen Deen's Raise for Indonesia


During Ramadan, Daar Aisha's Teen Deen girls decided that it would be wonderful ihsan if they as a class raised funds for a cause as part of their community responsibility, in order to receive pleasure from Allah(swt).

The students collaborated and brainstormed a list of different causes on the board. Through consultation they concluded we would collectively raise funds for a water well in Indonesia.

This initiative was project managed by the students and their class captain who split into groups and allocated steps to achieve final target of money to be raised. Time management skills were an important application the students utilised as they realised they had only 2 weeks to meet their target.

The students then brainstormed a list of strategies that they would use to raise the funds. These are some of their creative strategies;
  • Buying chocolate and selling it.
  • Merchandising creative products photo frames and selling it.
  • Personal contributions; Giving family massages for a donation.
  • Raising awareness amongst their peers.
  • Collaborating with family.
Through the Tawfiq of Allah and through the hard work of the girls the raised a massive $7050! MAA Donor Care officer, Sister Sabah visited their class and was presented with the cheque. The money is going towards building 2 water systems in Indonesia. This will provide water for multiple villages, provides cattle water and reduce sickness insha’Allah.

"We are so extremely proud of our girls. May Allah accept it from them and allow it to be a means of ongoing charity for them. We would also like to thank their families for their support with this project," said Hannah El-Gashingi, who teaches at Daar Aisha.


About Team Deen

Teen Deen is an exciting new program that addresses the needs of the Muslim youth, specifically teenagers between the ages of 13-17 years. This inspirational program is designed for Muslim teens living in the west. Teen Deen will promote leadership skills and personal development in future Moral Muslims living their Islam in the western context. Teen Deen will bring understanding of Islamic principals in the context of their daily lives to meet future challenges they will face as young adults. Teen Deen will assist students to exceed their potential as they become young adults engaged in positive community participation and beacons of light and knowledge for future generations insha’Allah.

Teen Deen is offered at both the Auburn and Lakemba campuses. If you wish to apply your daughter for this course please contact us.
Posted by Global Administrator