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News & Events
25 Jul 2020
Working Together with Australia's Indigenous Community

On Saturday 25th July 2020, saw a successful joint venture realised.
Muslim Aid Australia, Muslim Charitable Foundation and Brothers in Need packed and delivered 100 hampers of non-perishable items, 50 boxes of fruit and vegetables to the Aboriginal community in Deception Bay.


The recipients were treated to some cultural dances by member of the Aboriginal community followed by a BBQ and lots of food. Each family was then given a hamper of food, a box of fruit and vegetables and a $50 supermarket voucher.

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This was the second delivery of food aid to the Mindle Bygul Aboriginal Corporation by these three organisations. The event was well attended by family and friends from Brisbane, including Habib Jamal, President of ICQ.

The recipients were very grateful for this gesture of goodwill and sharing and expressed their appreciation. Another event is being planned for November during Naidoc week.

When interviewed, Riyaad Ally of Muslim Aid Australia said: “we were overwhelmed by the kindness and hospitality shown to us.”

Brothers in Need arranged a beautiful BBQ with lots of salads and desserts. Ansary Muhammad of Brothers in Need said: “All the effort put in by the volunteers was very encouraging and we were satisfied with the outcome.”

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In his speech, Yusuf Khatree of Muslim Charitable Foundation thanked the First Nations people for allowing them the opportunity of being able to assist them. He said that this was a humbling experience. He also stated that all this was possible through the kind donations received from their donors, well wishes and volunteers.

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The three organisations will be working together again for a bigger event in November at which point, more members of the community will be able to attend.


Posted by Global Administrator