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In Gaza, over 1.5 million Palestinian refugees face a dire situation, grappling with the consequences of conflict and blockade. Displaced from their homes, these families face severe shortages of essential supplies, with the risk of famine looming ever closer.
This initiative ensures that your generosity directly supports recently arrived Palestinian refugees in Egypt, providing them with fresh, nutritious meals. For just $30, you can provide 1kg of fresh meat to these families, offering a vital source of nutrition during these challenging times. While this donation does not fulfill the Qurban obligation, it serves as a critical act of kindness.
Dhul Hijjah is a time of year where it's important to remain connected as an Ummah, and your generosity will mean more to these refugees at this point in their lives than ever before. Your gift of fresh meat can make a real difference, offering a glimmer of hope and solidarity to those enduring unimaginable hardships.
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