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Quench their Thirst

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    Charity donations $2 or more to Muslim Aid Australia are tax-deductible in Australia.

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    The Global Water Crisis: Quenching the Thirst of Millions

    In our modern world, it's staggering to realize that 1 in 3 individuals still grapple with the scarcity of safe drinking water. Even more concerning, over 2 in 5 people worldwide are deprived of basic sanitation facilities. This isn't just a matter of convenience; it's a matter of life and health. A staggering 80% of illnesses in developing nations can be traced back to inadequate water and sanitation.

    Water and Sanitation: A Fundamental Human Right

    The United Nations doesn't just recognise access to clean water and proper sanitation as essential; it deems them human rights. They're also pivotal components of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, underscoring the global commitment to addressing this crisis.

    Your Role in Paving the Way to a Hydrated World

    Your support is transformative. With it, we can equip communities with vital water infrastructure, foster local awareness about hygiene and water security, and diligently monitor water quality. Together, we can ensure that the fundamental needs of countless individuals are not just met, but safeguarded.

    If you're making a sadaqah jariyah donation on behalf of a friend of family member, you can gift them a card through Gifts of Mercy whilst they wait for their well to be completed.

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